Diversability is our preferred term to replace disability. The term diversability embraces the uniqueness and potential in every human being. Diversabilities refer to physical, cognitive, developmental, learning, social/emotional, and/or neurological differences, or diversity, in ability levels. People experiencing medical conditions, genetic anomalies, physical and emotional trauma, social and emotional challenges, as well as differences in brain biology comprise the largest population of marginalized people in our world.
The Integrated Employment Program empowers individuals to reach their greatest potential through meaningful and gainful employment, promoting a sense of connection and community.
Day Support Activities (DSA) are grounded in our belief that “It takes a village…”. Our DSA services involve building community through engaging in authentically inclusive events.
Siblings sometimes become lost among the therapeutic needs of their brother or sister. Groups are special times for siblings to participate in fun activities, learn advocacy strategies and self-care techniques, and engage with other siblings sharing similar experiences.