Diversability Inc. Programs
"… it takes a village …"
Diversability Inc. was founded and is operated by parents and professionals in the diversability community. We understand the challenges of navigating the world of resources and supports for people experiencing diversabilities. Connecting with a village of meaningful resources and supports is imperative to a fulfilling life rich with love and community. Check out our programs below, click the links to learn more, and contact us to get involved!
integrated employment services
Our Integrative Employment Program involves facilitating Job Development and Job Coaching services for individuals with diversabilities. The Integrated Employment Program empowers individuals to reach their greatest potential through meaningful and gainful employment, promoting a sense of connection and community.
sibshops : Sibling support
Siblings need special time, too! Sibshops are offered just for Siblings of people experiencing diversabilities. It is a special time for Sibs to support one another as well as share, play, and create together.
Community living supports
Our Community Living Support services offer personalized mentoring and coaching for individuals to hone independent living skills while engaging in authentically inclusive community events.
community resources
Our DiversabilityVillage program offers tools and services intended to ease and eliminate barriers to accessing meaningful resources. In 2023 we launched our initial resource tool, DiversabilityVillage website, containing comprehensive community resource information. Also in 2023 we launched a direct service program, Community Resource Specialists, who provide guidance navigating resources and building villages of support.
Click here to visit DiversabilityVillage
Click here to learn more about Community Resource Specialists.